Congrats! You have customers and your business is finally starting to make some money. Now, you just need a bank account.
If you’re 18 years old or older, you can open your own bank account with most banks and credit unions. But what if you’re under 18?
Joint Checking Accounts
Opening a joint checking account is probably your best bet, if you’re between ages 14-17.
Many joint checking accounts require that someone under 18 (also known as a minor) open the account with a parent or legal guardian.
But some banks allow a minor to share a joint checking account with anyone 18 or older, and the older joint checking account owner doesn’t have to be the minor’s family member or legal guardian. (The online bank Capital One 360 is one example.)
The great thing about joint checking accounts is that they allow you to use the checking account to make deposits and withdrawals, as well as purchases with a debit card, even though you’re under 18.
Joint checking accounts often go by other names, including teen checking accounts and student checking accounts.
Joint account risks: Most joint checking accounts allow each account holder to have full access to the account’s money. That means either you or your parent/guardian/older account owner, might end up draining the account and cause overdraft fees. So, be sure to share your account only with an adult that you can truly trust.
A Few Last Tips
Most banks and credit union offer joint checking accounts. Shop for the features that are most important to you, like low (or no) fees.
Can’t find anything near you? Online banks are also a good option.