How to speak with potential investors Maya Spikes Keeping calm and confidently pitching your business idea is easier than you think.
How to speak to potential customers Maya Spikes You and your business can gain more than new sales by having discussions with prospects.
6 myths about what is an entrepreneur Maya Spikes Do you have to be or act a certain way to be a real entrepreneur?
How can I help my child develop entrepreneurial skills? Maya Spikes Parents can still encourage young entrepreneurs, even while facing ongoing career changes and challenges.
How — and why — to express gratitude to customers Maya Spikes A simple thank you goes a long way to making your customers feel seen and appreciated.
4 common types of entrepreneurial risks – and how to deal with them Maya Spikes Being a young entrepreneur can be a risky business. Here’s how you can succeed, even while facing business challenges.
7 successful types of young entrepreneurs Maya Spikes There are different paths to having a successful business -- it all depends on your personality, motivation and dreams.