Improving the world one entrepreneur at a time

Sponsored Content Guidelines

Rising Innovator will consider publishing content from sponsors. These are our general guidelines, please contact us if you have any questions or would like to work with us.

  • Monthly placements are available for a fee
  • Articles will be labeled as “Sponsored Content” or “Advertisement” and linked from just above the footer
  • All outbound links will be reviewed for quality and suitability by the Rising Innovator team.
  • The content should be free of any misleading claims or lies.
  • The content should be relevant to children and young adults ages 10 or older who are interested in starting/running their own business, or their parents/mentors.
  • Rising Innovator reserves the right to edit the content for grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  • Outbound links will be rel=”sponsored”, unless an agreement is reached to make it a dofollow link.

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